Conversion of temperature units 0001

, por F_y_Q

Make the following conversions of units of temperature:

a) 36 ºC to ºF

b) 58 ºC to ºF

c) 149 ºF to ºC

d) 374 ºF to ºC


a) ^\circ F = 1,8\cdot ^\circ C + 32 = 1,8\cdot 36 + 32 = \bf 96,8^\circ F
b) ^\circ F = 1,8\cdot ^\circ C + 32 = 1,8\cdot 58 + 32 = \bf 136,4^\circ F
c) ^\circ C = \frac{(^\circ F - 32)}{1,8} = \frac{149 - 32}{1,8} = \bf 65^\circ C
d) ^\circ C = \frac{(^\circ F - 32)}{1,8} = \frac{374 - 32}{1,8} = \bf 190^\circ C