General gas law: final volume of a gas (1927)

, por F_y_Q

Calculate the final volume of a gas at 30 ^oC and 1.1 atm, when its volume is 3 L and temperature and pressure are increased to 42 ^oC and 1.3 atm.


First, clear final volume in the general gas equation:

\frac{P_1\cdot V_1}{T_1} = \frac{P_2\cdot V_2}{T_2}\ \to\ \color[RGB]{2,112,20}{\bm{V_2 = \frac{P_1\cdot V_1\cdot T_2}{P_2\cdot T_1}}}

Replace the statement data in the equation. Remember that temperature must be expressed on Kelvin scale:

V_2 = \frac{1.1\ \cancel{atm}\cdot 3\ L\cdot 315\ \cancel{K}}{1.3\ \cancel{atm}\cdot 303\ \cancel{K}} = \fbox{\color[RGB]{192,0,0}{\bf 2.64\ L}}

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